CCC’s Global Citizenship bracelets have made a difference around the world!
This project initially began as a grassroots fundraiser in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Students communicating with penpal connections in Allentown, Pennsylvania were struggling with unreliable internet and old computer hardware, which made it incredibly challenging to host video calls or even send emails. We realized that we needed new technology to enhance the connection and decided to create bracelets as a fundraiser.
The project started in two classrooms but quickly spread across the school until all students wanted to participate. A school-wide competition concluded in over 1,000 bracelets. Students were so excited and decided to sell the bracelets in their community as well as to their peers. The students in Pennsylvania wanted to continue their connection and, in their writings, offered to help sell bracelets as well. Out of their own initiative, students made enough money to purchase fifteen laptop Google Chromebooks. The following year they earned five tablets to assist in continuing research.

In 2020, students quickly became in charge of running their own drive. They set their personal school goal by figuring out how much they needed to benefit their school and how they could assist other schools in India. They wrote the card that comes with the bracelet and kept in contact with the schools. Each year, their connections become even stronger as they are able to access a higher quality of technology.
This fundraiser has become an empowering and enjoyable activity that allows the students to make a positive impact on their school. It demonstrates to them how their hard work and efforts pay off in the long run. Bracelets have been made in multiple schools in Costa Rica, India, New Zealand, and more.
100% of the proceeds from these bracelets go to purchase the necessary technology that meets the specific needs of each school. Once the school’s goal is met, the remaining money is put towards new schools in need. Much developmental work has been accomplished for schools in India as well as indigenous schools of Costa Rica thanks to the kindness of students in countries around the world.

Most recently, in 2021, bracelets were created by high school students in Turrialba, Costa Rica, who will be participating in the next CCC global connection. Their current fundraiser goes towards a laptop cart for their school, Jorge Debravo, as well as future service-learning projects to benefit upcoming connections from lower-income schools. These bracelets were sustainably handcrafted from wood and acai beads to reduce plastic consumption, and are for sale at multiple locations in the US and Costa Rica. Contact us to learn more about how you can participate!
We thank you for your donations and we hope that these unique bracelets serve as a reminder that we are all globally connected!
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